"Aga and the Little Grey Wolf" by Billy Boren. Friday, September 21, 2035

Friday, September 21, 2035

Writing Prompt: "Freaky" Free Write Friday
110 word minimum. Introduction and conclusion required.
-Switch the genders of the characters in your story
-Change the setting of your story on the opposite side of the planet, or on another planet.
-Have two characters in your story switch roles. 
 -I believe in/support/suggest ... because...

    A pregnant Gray Wolf lost her mate when he was stabbed by a hunter named Fuga. The hunter set fire to their den in the hopes of driving out wolves and hunting them down. Her plan wasn't as successful as she hoped. Only the Alpha and his pregnant mate were in the den. The pregnant alpha female fled the attack. Dag, her mate, faced the hunter bravely, but was hit with a burning stick and the sword. The hunter took Dags life and cooked his meat. It was her first warm meal in 13 days.
    The next day the hunter saw the pregnant female wolf and shot her arrow at the wolf. The wolf ran into a cave inhabited by a woman named Aga who fished. Fuga respected Aga's territory. And stayed out. 

    Later Aga, returned to her cave to sleep. She lied down to rest and landed on The pregnant Grey Wolf who barked and then ran out of the cave.  
 Aga then started a fire to cook the fish. the wolf feared the fire but craved the smell of the fish. She started singing and yelping.  Aga wanted to ignore the wolf, but when she felt full, she threw the wolf a scrap. She devoured it. Then the wolf came close to Aga. Aga raised her torch. The wolf rolled over on her back. Aga set down the torch. The wolf approached her, and sat next to Aga. After about twenty minutes the wolf begins to licks Aga's leg. 

The next day Fuga tries to kill the grey wolf and almost kills Aga. The grey wolf was afraid of Fuga, but felt loyalty to Aga and bit Fuga. Fuga cried "Uga. Ow Ooh!"

Aga cried, "Nuh" at the wolf and hit her hind quarters. The wolf let go. Fuga grabbed a burning stick from the fire and swung at Aga. It missed and Fuga burned herself and fell down unconscious in the snow. The snow cooled her burn. Two hours later she awoke very cold and angry. 

Aga feared for her safety and had already fled south towards the sun. The gregy wolf followed her.

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