Billy Boren's blog Monday, September 15, 2025

Monday, September 15, 2025
Mary Lyn Stalter: Language Arts
Learning Target: To understand how character traits influence behavior.
Lesson Notes:
All objects, places and living things have traits.
Size, shape, weight are physical traits.
A machine has traits that are designed into them.
Living beings have genetic traits.
And animals and people have character traits.
Q&A: Can Anyone tell the classroom a character trait?
Irene raised her hand and said: "Honesty
I raised my hand and said, "Compassion.
Jolene raised her hand and said, "Passion"
Karl raised his hand and said. "fairness"
Maria said, "carefulness"
Michelle said, "Intelligence"
Barry said, "Courage"
Chief said family
Jamal raised his hand and said, "wisdom" 
Little Bear said "Loyalty"
Writing Prompt: What character traits do you admire or dislike in people?
Why do you admire or dislike them
My answer:
I like people who do the right thing. 
I met a woman who was helping a wolf who was injured in an accident.
I met her at the VA building when I was getting my school physical check up.  She was singing a lullaby to the wolf when we met. 
She said that she wasn't able to take her back to Baffin Island, where the animal was injured, so I told her that she should take her wolf to the Mahigan Wildlife Refuge nearby. 
I didn't know if she would until she took her there last week. 
I live across the street from the reserve. I saw an SUV pull in and the wolf be carried in a cage, then be examined and played with by one of the reserves caretakers and then set free. I think that this lady is very courageous and compassionate.
So are the people who run the wildlife Reserve.
Mr Gonzalez's Science Notes:
Learning target. To be able to identify and describe scientific traits.
"Traits are observable characteristics of an object, living being, place or idea."
Mr Gonzalez asked "What is an "observable characteristic."
Practice: Identify three traits each of an object, living being, place or idea. Write them down in your notebook in outline form.
Brain storm cue:
Traits that make us human beings
Traits that are true for all living things
All animals
All mammals
Traits that are true for some or a few animals including humans 

Please forgive me, the author Greg Spence Wolf for sending this story ten years into the future. Tomorrow's blog by Billy Boren will be dated Tuesday, September 18, 2035. I feel like 20 years is open to more interpretation. 

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