Tuesday, September 25, 2035 by Billy Boren's "Opinion Paragraph"

Tuesday, September 25, 2035 
Language Arts Notes: Ms Stalter 
Learning Target - Identify and write an opinion. 
Opinion (Def) - A statement of belief that supports a particular course of action over another course.  
To do: 
Write an opinion 
Write three sentences that support your opinion. 
Write a conclusion. 

Today is Talk Tuesday. So Ms Stalter asked us for examples of an opinion. 

Karl raised his hand and said. "The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer" 
Maria said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." 
Michelle said, "Military intelligence is an oxymoron" 
Barry said, "I hate carrots" 
Chief said, "Hard work is the key to success."  
Jamal raised his hand and said, "Wisdom comes from experience"  
Kendra said, "I hate math" 
Little Bear said "I love America" 
Jolene raised her hand and said, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." 
Nanook said, "If you provide for others, others will provide for you." 
I said, "Animals should be allowed to be free whenever possible." 

Ms Stalter then said, "I am going to ask each of you a rhetorical question based on your statements." She picked up her notepad and started reading, 

"Karl: Is being rich or poor a factor in whether you become richer or poorer? 
"Maria: Why is it better to do something for your country rather than letting your country do something for you?" 
"Michelle, Please define oxymoron and give specific examples of military intelligence being an oxymoron?" 
"Barry: What do you hate about carrots?" 
"Jamal: What experiences have brought you wisdom?" 
"Kendra, Why do you hate math?" 
"Little Bear: What do you love about America and what should be done to keep it a place that you love?" 
"Jolene, Why people see beauty differently?" 
"Nanook, Why do you believe others will provide for you if you provide for others." 
"Billy, when is it possible for animals to be free and why should they be allowed to be free" 

    I think that animals should be allowed to be free whenever possible. I think that possible in this case means they are capable of surviving their normal lifespan and not upsetting the natural balance of the areas they live in. I believe that animals should be free because they have intelligence, feelings and because the domestication of animals has a larger detrimental environmental footprint than animals living in the wild. 
I believe that these are all good reasons for animals to be free and that these factors should be considered when making decisions about animals freedom. I believe that setting captive wild animals is possible because there are wildlife refuges and natural park that they can live in. This is why I believe that animals should be allowed to be  free whenever possible.

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